Enjoy the journey on the way to your promise and dreams.
By Lyne A 2:54:00 PM Faith, family, inspiration, Lifestyle, self careI had a week off mommy-ing since my kids were at camp. I had already made up my mind to indulge heavily in some self-care, enjoying some alone time and doing things for me.
In the process, I schedule a mini staycation. I've been wanting to do so solo traveling, that was my chance.
I found the number one Beach in America is about 3 hours from me. I hop in my car, plugged the GPS and I'm heading my dream destination. I was daydreaming about what must be so cool about that particular beach. What warranted the title of "#1 beach in America"? I was excited and nervous, I couldn't wait to get there to see what so special about this beach.
BUT, y'all it was a 3-hour drive!
I don't like driving, 3 hours could as well be 15 hours. so Y'all know I was antsy, itchy and impatient.
I keep glancing at the GPS like if I stare hard enough, I'll get there faster.
I live on the east side of Florida and Siesta Beach AKA #1 beach in America is on the west coast. As I'm crossing from one end to the other, the middle of Florida is pretty uneventful.
pastures after pastures, cows, horse, vultures eating road kill, bugs blah blah blah!
Can I get there already? I need to see Beach! blue crystal water and sands!
in the middle of my internal tantrum, I got a God check! like I would do to my kids.
It was like stop whining and enjoy the journey! yes, it's a different kind of beautiful. Just because you're waiting to see crystal blue water and sand doesn't mean you can't enjoy all this greenery and majestic animals
Right then I started getting these downloads right in my heart.
it was such a picture of how we treat life. We set our sight on our dreams which are great but forgot to enjoy the journey toward our destination.
The journey can be long, messy, stinky but you stop to pay attention, there are glimpses of beauty all around.
On my way to the dream/ #1 Beach in America, I encounter rain, bugs, nasty smells but there were also beautiful green pastures for miles, herds of cow grazing the pastures, beautiful horses.
The ride was amazing once I stop being anxious to get there. Once I stop to appreciate to beauty where I was. Yes, I was still looking forward to my destination, but the journey was half the fun!
there's a grace for where you are!
Are your children small, and you have to do everything for them?
Are you single? married? in between jobs? wherever you are in life right now, there's a grace for that!
If you're planted "there" you are meant to bloom "there"! Wherever "there" may be for you. There's beauty "there"
Enjoy the journey, and bloom where you're planted!
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