Happy Monday - Aztec Print Pencil Skirt #OOTD

Print Formation

Steve Maddden Heels. FAbFinds bag at TJmaxx. Aztec print skirt F21. old dress worn as a top. old blue necklace

Yes! Monday can be happy! if you want it.

It’s another beautiful day that the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it. #preachingToMyself

I did had trouble waking up this morning, instead of snoozing the alarm this morning I straight up shut it. What’s the point? it’s just going the keep interrupting my sleeping LOL (I do not recommend)

I finally got up, feeling well rested thank God! and I decided on this cute Aztec print pencil skirt I score for $10 at F21 last Friday.

Made such a difference!

On Mondays I’m usually rushing, I have a stash of black and gray that doesn’t need ironning, matching or styling I would reach to but today These prints are giving me life! Praise the Lord!

How is you Monday going?

Need Prayer?

She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25

Anointed Heels

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