Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October is Domestic Violence Awereness month

Did you know that 1 in 4 women are victim of domestic violence? you didn't know? me either!!!
I first found out this from a very sweet fashion blogger I follow. Roquelle over at consider me lovely share about this last year though a video, where she share about her own painful experience with domestic violence. My heart break when I watch this video... who would have thought?

Exactly! 1 in 4!!!

There are so many hurt people all around us in our every day lives going through awful things that we may not even know about. I admire Roquelle so much for sharing her story, this is what it mean to let God use your pain for something good. I hope someone was inspired at least to talk about it. I know I was.

I know I had to say something, when a few days after I read Roquelle's post, I was suppose to go sing at an event, I had no idea what the event was about when I got the invite, but when I got there it was a conference by Yoked for a cause a ministry that helped women victim of domestic violence and such.

Women Worshiping and Praising God

God is so awesome!

None of these women was baring the "victim" label they were more than conquerors, I've heard so many awesome testimonies.

It was strength in display!

God had given them beauty for their ashes.

I left there feeling so encouraged. I think the lesson for me was to SPEAK UP! Be more open to let God use whatever it is I may be going through.

Through this experience I learn that nothing is wasted, God can use our pain if we allow Him!

so the word today would be to "SPEAK UP!!!"

if you need help "SPEAK UP!!!" you could be a 1 in 4 noone would never know unless to "SPEAK UP!!!"

if God already brought you through "SPEAK UP!!!" your testimony might be a blessing to someone who is going through the same thing.

"SPEAK UP!!!" even if to just start the conversation for someone who couldn't do it for themselves.

My prayers goes to all affected by this awfull experience.

Let's "SPEAK UP!!!"

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Monday - Aztec Print Pencil Skirt #OOTD

Yes! Monday can be happy! if you want it.

It's another beautiful day that the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it. #preachingToMyself

I did had trouble waking up this morning, instead of snoozing the alarm this morning I straight up shut it. What's the point? it's just going the keep interrupting my sleeping LOL (I do not recommend)

I finally got up, feeling well rested thank God! and I decided on this cute Aztec print pencil skirt I score for $10 at F21 last Friday.

Made such a difference!

On Mondays I'm usually rushing, I have a stash of black and gray that doesn't need ironning, matching or styling I would reach to but today These prints are giving me life! Praise the Lord!

How is you Monday going?

Need Prayer?

Monday, October 14, 2013

10,000 Reasons

 I got ONE reason to smile
 I got TWO reason to smile!

The waves came crashing in and I was about to give up and play dead, but when I took a closer look I realise I had
more than ONE reason to SMILE
More than ONE reason to be THANKFUL
More than ONE reason to be GRATEFUL
More than ONE reason to be PRAISE God
More than ONE reason to be HAPPY
More than ONE reason to NOT give in
More than ONE reason to keep on keeping on!

Take a closer look you'll always Find a reason.

My Enthem

Monday, October 7, 2013

...Even Those

Shoes: Jessica Sympson via ShoeDazzle, belt: thrifted, dress: Forever21

It always flip me out reading the  genealogy of Jesus, the perfect son of God is an SOB LITERALLY! one of Jesus grandmama was a Hooker!

I gotta say that really hurt my religion lol, another one was a heathen from a foreign land. It shows that God can use... well anything!!  It can never be too broken, too dirty, too vile for Him. He specialized in recycling, using old scrap for new use.

Are you one of those? So let's say together "Here are my broken pieces! heal me and use me"

Jesus is madly in love with you. :-)