Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Monday - Aztec Print Pencil Skirt #OOTD

Yes! Monday can be happy! if you want it.

It's another beautiful day that the Lord has made so I will rejoice and be glad in it. #preachingToMyself

I did had trouble waking up this morning, instead of snoozing the alarm this morning I straight up shut it. What's the point? it's just going the keep interrupting my sleeping LOL (I do not recommend)

I finally got up, feeling well rested thank God! and I decided on this cute Aztec print pencil skirt I score for $10 at F21 last Friday.

Made such a difference!

On Mondays I'm usually rushing, I have a stash of black and gray that doesn't need ironning, matching or styling I would reach to but today These prints are giving me life! Praise the Lord!

How is you Monday going?

Need Prayer?

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